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Club de Costura, a space centered around a culture of repair

We invite you to join us in a dance between threads and needles. This connection prompts introspection into your identity and relationship with the "second skin" you wear daily – your clothes. The ultimate goal of this journey is self-repair as we engage in the act of mending.

Throughout the event, we will explore diverse repair techniques while delving into profound conversations about this intimate process of fixing and restoring items that define us or hold significance. Moreover, we will discuss how these efforts contribute to the larger tapestry of societal restoration.

Until now, Club de Costura has collaborated with district schools, foundations, and museums, but today, our focus shifts towards healing a part of ourselves while perpetuating a message of transformation and rejuvenation.

Please remember to have a piece of clothing on hand for mending – whether it's worn socks, a cherished sweater, or your favorite t-shirt – alongside a sewing needle and thread of your preference.

Join us in redefining the art of repair!

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"La REM" (La Reparación Está en la Moda) is a Colombian NGO focused on repairing the impacts of the fashion industry, through human interconnections. Our aim is to approach repair from three perspectives: Our relationship with our clothes through daily mindfulness, mending social fabric through mending textiles in the community, and the restoration of environmental and social damage caused by the textile industry. Founded in 2019 by Gabriela Jaramillo alongside an interdisciplinary team, La REM has engaged in various national platforms, including the first Sello de Moda Sostenible, the Peace and Reconciliation Runway in Kennedy, Bogota 2021, and the activism initiative "Mi Cuerpo es Territorio de Paz".

September 13

Dorothy Liebes: The Mystery of The Matching Cuffs

September 14

World Embroidery Series II