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abc carpet & home + Parsons MFA Textiles: The Art of Textiles - Celebrating NYTM 2023 with a showcase of textiles from 8 Parsons MFA Textiles Graduates' capstone thesis projects. Come explore the art of textiles like you never have before at abc's flagship store 888 Broadway, NY, NY-10003. Curated by Preethi Gopinath and Gabi Asfour, featured Graduates:
Yi Hsuan Sung (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 1)
Jing Li Bista (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 2)
Jason Greenberg (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 3)
Hannah Kim (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 3)
Lelia Bacchi Levy (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 4)
Garvi Rathod (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 4)
Ollie (Hongji) Li (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 4)
Katherine Price Weir (Parsons MFA Textiles - Gen 4)