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Talk, Exhibition & Workshop

Weaving Lullabies is a two-hour online community weaving, sharing, and listening space to be held during the Autumn Solstice, Sept 21st, at 530p EST/ 230p PST/ 530a PHT

This solstice, ART WEAVE offers community prayers that meditate on what it means to nurture the mother, our creative selves, with the guidance of technologies that keep us abundant and nurtured in a time of destruction and rebirth.

“Weaving Lullabies” is an ancestral remembering, an in-the-moment guide and experimental conversation that uses the mediums of weaving, rhythm and sound lullabies.

Our prayer asks “What is the lullaby for the Mother?” “What is the lullaby for weaving new pathways?

In this prayer ART WEAVE honors the medicine of Weaving and the bearers that share this knowledge. According to the Yakan weavers of Basilan in the Philippines, Yakan being known as "People of the Earth" and "Daughters of the Rainbow", Weaving to them is akin to "Birthing". As birth - genes are passed through ancestry and generations, the knowledge, technicalities and skills of weaving are likewise passed on through generations. The backstrap loom connected directly to the body, the yarns representing the umbilical cord, and each weaver's inhale and exhale expands and births into woven threads.

In this prayer ART WEAVE honors the medicine of Sound. Through the sacredness of listening, they call on sound frequencies that continue birthing legacy stories of celebration that are remembered in our creative spirit, our ancestral bodies and Mother Earth. They use sound to help circulate prayer, to amplify our collective dialogue and to generate new portals of existence.

Their intention of opening up this space is to grow threads of what it means to nurture the Creator within us. They use the technologies of breathing, journaling, collective weaving and song to encourage collective and ancestral dialogue. What does it feel like to cradle our imaginative selves? To weave frequencies that bring new dreaming pathways a little bit closer? In this process, we remember the Creator Mother Earth and offer lullabies to her Creation of newness alongside us. This sharing is open to beginning weavers. Please join them if you feel called!

@weavinglullabies @twinkleferraren @bellyoftheboo

ART WEAVE was conceived and created in late 2021, during the midst of the pandemic where it was crucial to find ways for Artists and Weavers to survive ~ the ART WEAVE project started with a collaborative project between Baguio’s Visual Artists and Textile Weavers – where Textile Weavers translated works of Visual Artists into Handwoven Textile pieces. 

After exhibiting in June-July of 2022, ART WEAVE received several invitations and inquiries to exhibit some more and to expand the offerings.

Seeing the needs and reactions from the exhibits, there is a need for continuous dialogue between the weavers and artists.

September 21

Larsen Textile Award

September 22

Crossroads: Textile Intersections